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Your business is located at a good location, you’ve selected it yourself. But how do you get more visitors to your store? And especially, buying customers in your shop! On Curacao people shop in a very particular way. Preferably customers go to stores where they can park in front, customers are accustomed to stores being closed during the lunchbreak and they are used to stores being open on Sundays or holidays.

That being said, how are you going to make sure that your store is busy with customers who are actually spending their money? There are many ways to do that. Important factor is the atmosphere in your store. Do you engage customers to stay there longer, how is your staff treating walk in customers, how long do they spend in your store on average, how many people who walk in, actually buy something…? All questions you need to consider. Do you want an expert visit your store, or have mystery shopping done to check where you can improve? We can help you out!

We can follow a checklist to ensure your store is ready to receive customers and we can start making arrangements for social media, advertising or other ways to create exposure and more traffic to your shop!

Examples from our checklist:

  • How do customers reach your store?
  • Where do they park and do they need to pay a parking fee?
  • What is the first thing customers see when they enter your store?
  • How do you display your products and prices?
  • Is there a specific path your customers must walk through to get to your payment terminal?
  • How do you currently advertise your store?
  • Do you have weekly promotions or specials and how do you communicate them to potential buyers?
  • And much more….

Let’s set up a meeting to start your retail and store marketing and get those customers to buy your products in your store.

Do you have an online store or catalog where people can browse to your products? It can help reach more traffic to your offline store! We can also help you out with that!
