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We don’t have to explain anymore the importance of your digital presence. Even though on the Caribbean island Curacao, traditional offline marketing tools are still extremely important, your business cannot rely solely on that anymore. If you currently have no or little online presence, customers have the tendency to find your competitors that are visible online.

If you want to professionalize the way you communicatie with your (potential) customers online, start from scratch with your new business or if you want to do your social media all by yourself, we have the options you need with the expertise that come with each digital hurdle your business is about to take. Curacao Marketing continually looks for new opportunities online and keeps track of the general market. If you have a specific online need, we are sure you can find it in our products and service offering.

Together with freelancers or suppliers that have all the knowledge and the insights we have on the Curacao market, we will bring you the online presence you desire.



The start of your online presence is still definitely your website. Even though there are already businesses who rely solely on their social pages, a website is a spot where you call the shots. With a powerful website, you can determine what information people will see first and if you want to sell your products online, it is definitely a must. We can deliver simple but effective websites, but also a website with a shop, specific features and even online payment systems are a possibility.

Once you are satisfied with your website, it is time to get some people to visit your website. A very effective way to attract customers to your website is through the use of the possibilities various social media pages have to offer. You can have a campaign on Facebook to draw attention to an informative blog or show your potential customers what other customers think of you by sending them to a testimonial on your website. If you want to have all these social pages and your website work together like a team we recommend to hire one of our social media experts to get more visitors and more sales from your website.

If you want to develop your complete digital strategy, we are here to help. Whether you are looking for solutions for mobile advertising, Search & Display or web analytics and reports. We have something or someone who can help you from here.

Follow our courses!

Together with the real social media experts, with both local and international experience, we provide specialised training and courses with the following subjects:

  • Facebook Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • WordPress Websites (create and manage)
  • LinkedIN Training
  • Video editing
  • Photoshop
  • Mailchimp
  • Copywriting
  • Youtube Channel
  • Google Advertising and Search Engine Optimization

Follow us!

Follow us on Facebook to check out the calendar of events when it comes to these courses!
