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Advertising is a common known way to get attention for your business. By advertising you make sure that people will know you! There are plenty of ways to advertise your business.

  • Newspaper advertisements
  • Magazines
  • Social Media advertisement
  • Google Ads
  • Video Advertising
  • Radio Advertising
  • Outdoor billboards / LED Screens
  • Advertising during sponsored events
  • and more!

Which way to advertise YOUR business? Depending on the target audience you want to reach, you have multiple decisions to make. What language will your ad be in? What tone of voice will you use? And that is only the part of creating your advertisement.

Where do you place your ads, what is your budget and where do you reach most people. As many people who are doing advertising on Curacao will know, it is very difficult to find your return on investment when it comes to advertising.

In the eighties and nineties many advertisers used coupons or promo codes to measure their advertising success. Nowadays, you have to use online and offline channels and on a small island where the spread of newspapers and magazines is enormous, it is hard to capture where your customers are coming from. Most businesses define their advertising strategy and campagnes based on what they feel and know. However, how well do you know the audience of all the media that is available on this island?

Curacao Marketing continually communicates with these media and researches their target audience. Making it much easier to decide where to place your ads and get the most effect. You want to reach a local audience on Curacao? Advertising is much advised to be placed in the local language (Papiamentu). You want to get tourists to visit your restaurant or rent your cars? Online media can be used and advertising can be set up in a way that you reach those tourists and when they have found you, keep coming back!

Every product or service has it’s own specialties which should be emphasised. What fits your organisation best?

If you already know what you want and how you want it, contact us to make sure that what is in your mind becomes reality. Maybe you don’t know what kind of advertisement will make your business the best known in your market yet. We can help you out! We work with creatives which can make sure that your advertisement will be extraordinary!
